All the Miracles in the Bible

God of Miracles 1: The Miracle of Creation (Days 1-3)

God of Miracles 2: The Miracle of Creation (Days 6-7)

God of Miracles 3: The Miracle of Creation (Days 6-7)

God of Miracles 4: The Transposition of Enoch; The Rescue of Noah

God of Miracles 5: Miracle at the Tower of Babel

God of Miracles 6: Abram’s Covenant; Sarah’s Conception

God of Miracles 7: The Blinding of the Sodomites; Destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah; Lot’s wife; The Rescue of Lot and His Daughters

God of Miracles 8: The Burning Bush; The Staff of God; Moses’ Diseased Hand

God of Miracles 9: The Ten Plagues, part 1. River to Blood, Frogs, Lice/Gnats, Flies

God of Miracles 10: The Ten Plagues, part 2. Livestock, Boils, Hail & Fire, Locusts

God of Miracles 11: The Ten Plagues, part 3. Darkness, The Passover

God of Miracles 12: The Pillar of Cloud & Fire

God of Miracles 13: Parting of the Red Sea; Sweet Water

God of Miracles 14: Manna, Quail

God of Miracles 15: Water from Rock, Victory Over Amalek

God of Miracles 16: God Reveals Himself, Ten Commandments, Rebellion of Korah

God of Miracles 17: Aaron’s Staff Chosen, Water from Rock (Again)

God of Miracles 18: Serpent on a Pole; Balaam’s Donkey Speaks

God of Miracles 19: Jordan River Stops Flowing; Fall of Jericho

God of Miracles 20: Sun & Moon Stand Still; Gideon’s Fleece

God of Miracles 21: Dagon’s Fall; Drought & Ravens

God of Miracles 22: Flour & Oil Replenish; Widow’s Son Raised from the Dead

God of Miracles 23: Fire from Heaven; Drought Ended; Elijah’s Speed

God of Miracles 24: God’s Prescription for Elijah’s Depression

God of Miracles 25: Elijah Taken to Heaven

God of Miracles 26: Walking Through Water; Salt in the Spring

God of Miracles 27: The “Unbearable” Insult; Ditches in the Desert; Unlimited Oil

God of Miracles 28: Elisha Raises a Dead Boy; Food Miracles; Healing of Naaman the Leper, part 1

God of Miracles 29: Healing of Naaman the Leper, part 2; Deceitful Servant; Axe Head Floats

God of Miracles 30: Servant’s Eyes Opened; Army Blinded

God of Miracles 31: Plunder from a Fleeing Army; From Famine to Plenty

God of Miracles 32: Hezekiah’s Healing; The Fiery Furnace

God of Miracles 33: The Writing on the Wall

God of Miracles 34: Daniel is Rescued

God of Miracles 35: Sea Calmed; Fish Swallows Jonah; Jonah in Fish Three Days; Plant Grows in One Day; Worm Destroys Plant; Scorching Heat

God of Miracles 36: Water into Wine; Official’s Son Healed

God of Miracles 37: Unclean Spirit Driven Out; Peter’s Mother-in-Law Healed

God of Miracles 38: Sick and Demon Possessed Healed; Leper Cleansed; Miraculous Catch of Fish

God of Miracles 39: Jesus Heals Centurion’s Servant; Paralytic Healed & Forgiven

God of Miracles 40: Jesus Heals a Withered Hand on the Sabbath; Widow’s Son Raised in Nain

God of Miracles 41: Jesus Calms a Storm; Jesus Delivers a Demon-Controlled Man

God of Miracles 42: Woman Reaches Out to Jesus, The Raising of Jairus’s Daughter

God of Miracles 43: The Raising of Jairus’s Daughter (cont’d); Two Blind Men Healed

God of Miracles 44: Mute Man Healed; Pool of Bethesda

God of Miracles 45: Pool of Bethesda (cont’d); Feeding of the 5,000

God of Miracles 46: Jesus Walks on Water, Jesus Heals Many Sick People in Gennesaret

God of Miracles 47: Demon-Possessed Girl Healed; The Deaf & Mute Man

God of Miracles 48: Jesus Feeds 4,000; Blind Man at Bethsaida

God of Miracles 49: Man Born Blind Healed, Boy Delivered from an Unclean Spirit

God of Miracles 50: Boy Is Delivered From An Unclean Spirit, Coin In The Mouth of a Fish

God of Miracles 51: Jesus Heals Man Who Was Blind, Deaf, and Mute, Woman Who Was Crippled For 18 Years

God of Miracles 52: Man With Edema, Ten Lepers

God of Miracles 53: Lazarus

God of Miracles 54: Lazarus (Continued)

God of Miracles 55: Blind Bartimaeus and Faith, Figs, and Forgiveness

God of Miracles 56: Blind Bartimaeus and Faith, Figs, and Forgiveness (Continued)

God of Miracles 57: Faith, Figs, and Forgiveness (Continued) and Jesus Restores Severed Ear

God of Miracles 58: Jesus Restores Severed Ear(Continued), and The Cross

God of Miracles 59: Jesus Conquered Death and The Miraculous Catch of Fish

God of Miracles 60: The Miraculous Catch of Fish (Continued) and The Virgin Birth

God of Miracles 61: Miracles of Pentecost

God of Miracles 62: Miracles of Pentecost (Continued)

God of Miracles 63: Lame Man Healed