Word of God Tag

Let it Be

Mary submitted to God’s plan for her life. But her submission to God also led to God initiating the salvation of the world. There were three powerful forces at work in the conversation between Gabriel and Mary and these are the same three forces at work in personal salvation.


The Anchor Holds in Spite of the Storm

In order to fully appreciate the power of this word picture of an anchor, we’ve got to get our symbolism straight. Jesus isn’t the anchor. Hope is the anchor. But the anchor is only as effective as the rock it grabs onto. Jesus is the solid rock that the anchor of hope digs into.


I’ll SEE It When I BELIEVE It!

If you wait until you see something before you believe, you will never believe. But if you believe first, then what you believe will be seen when you learn to use the eyes of faith.


Wise Men Still Seek Him

I am amazed at anyone who can restore old cars. If you give me enough tools and enough time, I could go out here to just about any car in the parking lot and take it apart. That’s knowledge. But there’s no way I could ever put it back together again. And that’s what wisdom is. Wisdom is the ability to take all the knowledge of the world and put it together to see things from God’s perspective. Knowledge is just the ability to analyze things—and that’s what the world does—that’s why it’s called the spirit of the world. Knowledge is needed to pass the test in school, but wisdom is needed to pass the test of life.
