Warnings Tag

God’s Early Warning System

We’re all familiar with weather warning systems. When a hurricane or tornado appears to be approaching a community, the National Weather Service will issue a warning for residents to evacuate or to take cover. Early warning systems save lives. God has an early warning system as well. Sometimes a believer gets involved in dangerous behavior or starts down a spiritually unhealthy pathway. At that point God activates His early warning system. Guess who that is? According to the Bible we are to be the early warning system to help a Christian veering off track from God’s will.


The Last Words of Jesus

The very first promise in the Bible is found in Genesis 2:17 where God said to Adam and Eve “Eat of all the trees in the Garden that you want to but don’t eat of this tree, and the day that you eat of this tree, I promise you shall surely die!” That’s the first promise and that’s the promise that got us into trouble. Sin! But the last promise of the Bible is Jesus said, “I am coming soon.”
