Tithing Tag

The Beauty of Unity and Generosity

We are a nation of hoarders. We keep much more stuff than we need and store it in closets, attics, and garages. And then when those places get full, we store our stuff in self-storage units. God created us to be a channel of his wealth, not a container. God gives to you and He wants you to give it away—and you can’t outgive God.


Do You Have the Eye of the Tither?

Jesus said there are two places where we can direct our vision. We can open our eyes in wonder to what God is doing and we’ll be people of light. Or we can squint at all the stuff around us and try to hoard as much as we can. When it comes to managing the money God has entrusted to you, where is your focus?


Blessings Beyond Your Wildest Dreams

God doesn’t just want your first fifteen minutes of a day; He wants you to acknowledge His presence 24/7. He wants you to pray without ceasing. And God doesn’t just want you to serve the Lord here at church two or three hours a week, He wants you to serve Him every day and in every way. And God isn’t just interested in getting 10% of our wealth. What He really wants is YOU–all of you.


iFocus on Giving App

As human creatures, we love to accumulate stuff. You know what stuff is. I’ve got my stuff and you’ve got your stuff. Don’t mess with my stuff. People have accumulated so much stuff that they have to rent storage units to store all their stuff. But Jesus taught that we shouldn’t hoard our blessings, we should give them away.


Give ’til You Giggle

When you give to God, are you giving grudgingly and reluctantly? Or do you find yourself giggling as you give? If you want to be a giggly giver, understand that your attitude is more important than your amount. You’ve got to recognize God’s law of the harvest and start joyfully, extravagantly planting seeds. And you’ve got to give out of a sense of gratitude for the grace that God has given to you.


Blessed to Be a Blessing

I want to share with you how we have been blessed to be a blessing. We are blessed to live in America. We are blessed to living in East Texas, and because we are blessed, we have the joy of being a blessing to others.


Spare Change or Life Change?

One of the greatest life changes you’ll ever experience is when you allow God to change you to become a truly generous person. Are you generous? A truly generous person is too humble to admit, “I’m a generous person.” But when someone is talking about you to others, does the word “generous” come out of their mouths?


Surrender Your Treasure

God wants each of us to come to the point in our lives where we say, “All to Jesus I surrender, all to Him I freely give.” It’s not about money. God doesn’t need your money. You need God. Truthfully God doesn’t want your money–He wants YOU! He wants you to surrender fully to Him. Have you come to a place in your life where you have said, “God, I offer myself to You?” When you do that, your faithful and generous giving will be a natural result of your surrender.


Connected Through Your Commitments

Have you ever heard the expression “prime the pump?” Back in the days when people used hand water pumps, you had to pour water into the pump to often get water flowing out of it. Think of your resources as the jug of water–and then think of God’s blessings as the cool, stream of gushing water.


Undertaker or Risk-Taker?

Sometimes we forget the treasure we have belongs to God and we start acting like we are the owners. There is a good word in the Bible to describe what we are: STEWARDS. A steward is a man entrusted with the management of the household or estate of another. That’s what we are, we must carefully manage our money, our time, and our abilities; they aren’t ours anyway. Matthew 25:14-30.
