Sheep Tag

Jesus is the Only Gate to Heaven

IT’S PERSONAL Our Good Shepherd deals with each one of us individually. Have you noticed all the personal encounters Jesus had in this study? He was one-on-one with Nicodemus. He spoke to the woman at the well. He spoke to the paralyzed man at the Pool of Bethesda. He dealt personally with the man who was blind from birth. Jesus redeems individuals, not groups. John 10:1-10.


If I Could Talk to the Animals

Jesus says we are to be like sheep, snakes, and doves. The wolves are those who are enemies of the cross. I want to examine what it means for us to be like these three animals. If we could talk to the animals, or they could talk to us, what would they say to us about being like a lamb, a snake, and a dove? God has called us to go out into the world and share His truth. We are sent out like sheep among wolves. We must be as clever as snakes, and as innocent as doves.


Get Good and M.A.D. for Christ’s Sake

Without getting into a debate about WHY we do good, let’s start with the premise that God is good and He has commanded us to perform good works for Jesus’ sake. (Ephesians 2:10) Before you and I were even born, God prepared for us some acts of kindness that we can perform for Jesus’ sake. So start looking for someone—it might even be a stranger—who needs a cup of cold water.


Don’t Be Afraid!

Theoretically there are only three ways to get into heaven when you die: First, if you die before the age where you are accountable before God, before you are old enough to make the choice to sin, then we believe God takes his precious children to heaven. But if you are in this service, understanding my words, chances are you have already passed that possibility.
