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Has Jesus Touched Your Eyes?

the Bible teaches we were all blind until Jesus touched our lives and gave us the light of salvation. And you and I live with people who are spiritually blind. They are stumbling over themselves trying to find spiritual truth through crystals, meditation, or the newest and latest new age fad. Satan has blinded their minds.


The Power of Positive Praise

Right now, some of you are in bondage. You may chained to your past, or by your problems, or by your pain. You’re still bleeding from some emotional or relational beating that you endured. You may think, “Well, when God sets me free, then I’ll praise Him.” No! Start praising Him NOW and you’ll find that the chains slipping away. Pardon me for using so many song lyrics, but I can’t help but remember the great lines in the old song from the group Truth that says, “For the chains that seem to bind you serve only to remind you that they drop powerless behind you when you praise Him” Have you discovered the liberating power of praise?
