Patience Tag

God’s Delays Are Not God’s Denials

THE LAZARUS LESSON Jesus’ delay in going to Lazarus was a lesson He was trying to teach His disciples and us—that death is like sleeping. It is not to be feared any more than lying down and pulling up the covers under your chin to sleep. Jesus took the sting of fear out of death. John 11:1-16.


Abraham: Waiting By Faith

Let’s face it. God must have an interesting sense of humor. He chose a couple of super seniors to begin his chosen nation. We know God laughs because Psalms 2 says that he who sits enthroned in the heavens laughs. If we had been making that plan we would have chosen a couple of young twenty-something’s.


Two Unchangeable Things

Trusting the word of other people is often like trying to walk across a bridge of Kleenex. But the promises of God are rock solid, and you can trust them, because you can trust God.


Get Ready, Get Set, GROW!

Loving your neighbor as you love yourself simply means you see yourself as God sees you. You are fearfully and wonderfully made, but we are all made with flaws. But God loves us in spite of our imperfections. You and I are trophies of His grace. When you see yourself as a sinner saved by grace, but deeply loved by God, you are free to love others.


If You Aren’t Fishing, Then You Aren’t Following

You can’t go fishing unless you go out to where the fish are found. People without Christ aren’t knocking down the doors of our church to get in. We have to go out after them. That’s why the Great Commission of Jesus begins with the word, “GO.”


How to Have Healthy Relationships

Paul concludes his long section on the second coming by telling the Thessalonians to encourage one another and build each other up. Then he tells them how to build each other up.


Caleb: How to Thrive at Age 85!

Caleb had been promised a piece of property 45 years earlier. Since that promise, he spent 40 years wandering in the wilderness with a bunch of dissatisfied, unfaithful, whining people. Then under Joshua’s leadership, Caleb spent five years fighting as a soldier against the Canaanite kingdoms. Even after 45 years, he still held onto God’s promise. “I remember God’s promise to me; now give me this hill country!” He never let go of that promise–that’s what the Bible calls persistence.


Learning How to Walk Straight

We all have seen that beautiful sight of a child taking his first steps. They have that stiff-legged Frankenstein-kind-of-walk as they toddle and maybe fall, but they get back up and try it again. Then, they learn how to walk better as their balance and their equilibrium improves. There is a progression to walking. First, you crawl, then you stand then you begin to walk. That’s a picture of the Christian life.
