Non-Believers Tag

Our Life in Christ

David Dykes

When we go out with a burdened heart, weeping for the lost, and plant lots of seeds, there will be a harvest and we will rejoice when we see how many people have come to Christ due to the seeds we sowed. 1 John 1:1-4.


Jesus’ Last Parable: The Sheep and the Goats

In Israel, shepherds often had sheep and goats in the same flock during the day, but at night, the shepherd separated the sheep and the goats. The sheep, which are more defenseless, were herded into a stonewalled sheepfold. The goats, which are more aggressive by nature, were left outside the sheepfold. It was a common sight in Israel to see a shepherd separating the sheep from the goats; and this is the powerful picture Jesus uses to describe how He will judge all people at the end of the world.


The Wonder-Working Power of the Blood

I don’t claim to understand how Jesus’ blood can cleanse me of my sins and I don’t have to understand it, I just have to accept it. Sometimes we have a hard time even picturing how blood can cleanse. We know blood stains, but how can blood cleanse?
