Missions Tag

The Great Commission or the Great Omission?

What is your part? Everyone can pray. Everyone can love lost people. Everyone can give something, some a little and some a lot. And some of you are hearing God’s call to leave your comfort zone to discover the adventure of being on mission for your Creator.


A Church on Purpose: Across the Globe

WWhen we think about the 3 billion people on our planet who don’t know Jesus Christ, we can get overwhelmed. We wonder how we can ever convert these multitudes to Christ. The job of global missions is NOT to convert people to Christ; only God can truly convert people. Our job is to communicate the good news to these people without Christ. Millions of people don’t know how much God really loves them, and they must be told.


Preaching Where Christ is Not Known

The problem with many American Christians is that to you Christianity is just such a personal thing; you don’t ever want to share it. You have your ticket to heaven, you have your eternal fire insurance, and frankly, you don’t really care whether anybody else goes to heaven or not. We’re like a bunch of people using first aid on ourselves, when there are hurting people all around us. If you’re content to hang on to the gospel and not share it with anybody else, you don’t share the missionary heart of the Apostle Paul.
