Marriage Tag

Putting Your Faith to Work

God put us in this world to deliver his message to others. And we do this by putting our faith to work. Hospitality, prison ministry, and marriage may seem to be three random topics. But they all show us how believers relate to others. First, our relationship to strangers should be one of hospitality. Second, our relationship with prisoners and those mistreated should be one of compassion and caring. And third, our relationship in marriage should be one of commitment and purity.


God’s Definition of Marriage

If you are a single person, God wants you to honor Him with a life of sexual purity. Teenagers, God wants you to honor Him with abstinence until you are married. Married folks, God wants you to be true to your mate. Your identity should never be found in your sexual preferences. It should be found in Jesus Christ.


There is HOPE for America!

Hosea’s marriage to Gomer was a living parable of God’s relationship with Israel and with any nation that wanders from Him. Hosea is preaching came from his own personal experience of love, pain, and redemption. He told the Israelites that, like an unfaithful wife, they were guilty of spiritual adultery. Hosea could say with passion and honesty, “I know how God feels, because I felt the same way. You have broken the heart of God who loves you!”


Step Forward Wives and Prefect Husbands

Marriage is the primary relationship on the planet. Before God created parents and children, He established marriage. Before there were nations, there was a marriage. Before there was the church, there was a marriage. Before there were friends, there was one man married to one woman: That was God’s first priority. If you are married, then loving your wife should be your first priority. You should love her more than your children, and your parents, and your friends.


Marriage: Made in Heaven But Maintained on Earth

In some ways, marriage is like a car. It’ll get you where you want to go, but you’ve got to put something into it. If you got a new car and never changed the oil, or got a tune up, that new car is going to malfunction. I’ve never understood why a couple will spend so much energy, time and money on a wedding, but then they think the marriage will automatically be great. Marriage is a high maintenance relationship. Marriage is made in heaven, but it must be maintained on earth.


Ten Habits of Highly Successful Families

Families in our church have experienced everything from the death of child, brain tumor in a child, physical handicaps, infertility, degenerative disease, and a variety of assorted and sundry disasters. Every family has to face and deal with adversity, tribulation, and problems. It’s how a family deals with these problems that makes them stronger.


How to Build a 3-D Marriage

When you first met your future spouse, you probably went on what we call “dates.” These are times you have pre-arranged to be together to do things like go to a movie, eat dinner, or have a picnic together. The main purpose of a “date” is to spend time with each other. Do you remember how nice you were to each other to each other on dates when you were “courting?” You anticipated the date with excitement and you dressed up nice and were on your best behavior. That’s the same way you ought to be with each other after you get married! Before you were married, dating was FUN-and marriage ought to keep continue to be fun, too. The Bible says, “May you rejoice in the wife of your youth … may you ever be captivated by her love.” (Proverbs 5:18-19)


Nine Words That Can Heal Your Marriage

There is no such thing as a perfect marriage or a perfect family, but our goal is to have healthy marriages and healthy families. Sometimes even the best marriages have problems and a “marriage sickness” can infect a husband a wife.


Where are the Proverbs 31 Women?

Most people agree that Proverbs 31 contains the description of a real lady, a first class female. When many women read Proverbs 31 they get discouraged because they think it is too high a standard.


Will the Real Men PLEASE Stand Up?

God really is looking for a few good men: Are you willing to be God’s Man? Are you willing to stand up and be counted as the man who will stand in the gap for your family? Will you stand in the gap for your nations? Will you stand in the gap for your church?


How to Love Your Mate for the Rest of Your Life

If you want to find out about love, you don’t open the pages of Vogue or Playboy magazine, you open the pages of the Bible. This is God’s instruction book for life, every experience of life. The Song of Solomon is God’s definitive word on romance, marriage, love and sex. And it is in the Bible and it is God’s truth. A study of some characteristics of the kind of love that keeps marriages together until one partner dies.


When a Second Marriage is Better

What’s the difference between living under law and living released from law in a relationship with Jesus? There may be some people who put their children in a safety seat because the law says to do it and they’re afraid that if they get stopped and their child is not in the correct seat, they may get a ticket. You know what motivates them? Fear of being caught. That’s what it’s like to live under the law. But I know this is true of all of you who have children. You know the reason you put your child in that safety seat is not because the law of Texas says to do it, but because you love that child. You do it because the very last thing in the world you’d ever want to happen to that child is for him to be hurt. This person does it out of fear–this person does it out of love. I obey the law of God not because I’m afraid, but because I love Jesus. Jesus said, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.”


What Every Man Wishes His Wife Knew About Him

For every seven couples who get on board the good ship Matrimony, one of those couples will jump overboard, but two of those couples will stay tied to the mast, lashed to the deck. They are not happy, not enjoying the ride, but because of religious or social reasons they stay in that marriage. Only about four out of seven couples say they are enjoying the cruise, so two out of seven marriages are at extreme risk in America today.


Men are from Pluto and Women are from Mercury

Men and women are different and if you don’t try to understand some of those differences, you’ll have trouble in marriage, or in the workplace, or in relating to people of the opposite sex. Some guys just don’t want to learn; some women don’t want to learn. They think ignorance is bliss. No. In marriage ignorance is absolute misery if you don’t understand the special, unique differences between you and your spouse.
