Joseph Tag

The Miracle of the Escape to Egypt

What are we to think about those little boys who were killed by Herod? God delivered Jesus, Joseph, and Mary—why didn’t He protect the other children? I don’t know why God chooses to protect some and not others. As we learned earlier, God’s ways and thoughts are not our ways and thoughts. However, I do believe these little boys will occupy a special place in heaven. Stephen is often called the first Christian martyr, but these little boys were actually the first Christian martyrs. They were the first to shed their blood for the One who would later shed His blood for them. I believe God the Father welcomed them into heaven and gave them the special prominence only reserved for His martyrs.


Setting Your Life on God’s Cruise Control

Has there ever been a time in your life when you consciously surrendered control of your life to God? After studying the life of Joseph, I’ve learned it isn’t about Joseph; it’s about what God did for Joseph. It’s not about you and it’s not about me, it’s about what God can do in and through us.


Revenge: The Danger of Road Rage

Joseph suffered an incredible amount of frustration on the road to success. He could have easily become the poster child for road rage. He didn’t do what came naturally–he did what only comes supernaturally–he forgave them. Just because revenge is a natural instinct doesn’t make it right. God will eventually sort out the business of rewards and punishment. When we try to be the judge and jury in regard to unpleasant treatment we’ve received, we usurp God’s plan. Three important lessons about revenge.


God’s Detours: Enjoy the Scenery

Whatever you’re going through right now, don’t forget God has a plan for your life. His plan doesn’t always take you directly from point A to point B. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line, but the shortest distance between misery and joy is knowing and loving God. Joseph discovered that, and you can, too. Four similarities between life’s detours and actual traffic detours on the highway.


Temptation: Don’t Run God’s Stop Signs!

Before you give in to any temptation you need to ask yourself this question: How much is this going to cost? How much is this going to cost me? How much is this going to cost those around me? For years, I’ve been quoting a little verse that helps me fear sin. It says: Sin will take you farther than you ever wanted to go; sin will keep you longer than you ever wanted to stay; and sin will cost you more than you ever wanted to pay. An examination of the temptation in Joseph’s life.


Surviving the Sinkholes of Life

The glorious truth about Joseph’s life is that God was with him all the way. God was with him when He was a cocky teenager, full of pride. God was with him when he was sulking in the pit of despair. God was with Him when he was unjustly thrown in prison. And God was with him when he ruled as Prime Minister in the Palace. If you have surrendered your life to Jesus Christ, you can be sure God will never leave you nor forsake you. He is there with you when you find yourself in a sinkhole.


Pay Attention to God’s Speed Bumps!

God has a road of success for you, and your main goal in life should be following that road. But in order to get on God’s road to success, you must embrace the correct definition of success. Follow the three speed bumps, dangerous attitudes, in Joseph’s young life.


Have You Recognized Jesus?

The account of Jesus when he was introduced to Simeon and Anna, who were expecting the Messiah to come, and when they saw Him, even though He was still an infant, they recognized Him for who He was.


Joseph’s Ministry

There are lessons we can learn from Joseph’s life: Be positive in negative experiences. Wherever you are, you should do your best. Bloom where you are planted. Every experience in life is training and always be a blessing to those around you.


Joseph’s Mystery

We want microwave character. We want instant perseverance. We want God to shape us and change us and fix us right now. God is not in a hurry. If you are suffering or you know someone who is suffering, you ought to do what Joseph, the apostle, Paul, and Job did: Make the best out of it and say, “I will not let this make me bitter. I will let it make me better.” And you’ll let God take his time with you.


Joseph’s Misery

The story of Joseph was terribly important to all the Hebrews in slavery, because Joseph was their hero. We’re going to see that the life of Joseph parallels the life of the Lord Jesus Christ. Joseph is one of those characters in the Bible who (most of the time) was totally faithful to God. He was one who was rejected by his own brothers, just like Jesus was rejected. We’re going to see that Joseph was particularly loved by his earthly father, just as Jesus was particularly loved by his heavenly father. A study of the parallels between the life of Joseph and the life of Jesus.
