Jesus as King Tag

The Day Jesus Reigned on Their Parade

REDEEMER When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the Jews were looking for another military Messiah. But Jesus rode a donkey to show that He wasn’t a Hammer, He was a Redeemer. A radical revolutionary kills others for his cause but a loving Redeemer lays down His life so that others may live. John 12:12-19.


The King is Coming!

A lot of people get confused about the dual aspect of the return of Christ because some say, “I thought the Bible says that when Jesus comes back he’s going to come back like a thief in the night, suddenly, silently, secretively.” What we are studying today and elsewhere in the Bible says when he comes, he’ll come in mighty power and every eye will see him. Which one is it? because it certainly can’t be both. It IS both, because when Jesus comes to rapture the church–which could happen at any moment–he literally won’t come to planet Earth. The Bible says we’ll meet him in the clouds and all the true Christians will be caught up to be with Jesus. We’ll be in heaven from that time all the way during the Tribulation and that’s when he is coming silently, secretively, like a thief in the night but at the end of this Tribulation he will come like we are talking about today. This is when he is coming in power and might and majesty and every eye will see him.
