God’s Temple Tag

Keeping God’s House Clean

Let’s talk about God’s current address. If you’re a Christian, you are His temple. So what comes to your mind when I say, “God won’t live in a dirty house?” If Jesus lives in you, grace means you’re not a dirty house. You are a child of God. You are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Oh, you and might occasionally have a dirty thought or say a dirty word, but you’re not a dirty house. Being clean is a state of grace, not based on your behavior. God has declared you holy and righteous based on your faith in Jesus.


It’s Time to Rebuild America’s Spiritual Foundation!

In some ways the Jews who returned to Jerusalem were like Americans. They were more concerned about their own comfort than the ministry of God. They built beautiful houses for themselves while the Temple only had a foundation. Their love for possessions had turned their hearts from God.
