God’s Promises Tag

Once His Lamb, ALWAYS His Lamb

WORKING NON-STOP Have you ever started something you couldn’t finish? I have and probably so have you. But God has never started something He couldn’t finish. He began a good work in you and He will persevere until the day of Jesus: That means either the day you die and meet Jesus or the day Jesus returns. Either way, He won’t stop working on you. John 10:22-29.


Persevere for the Promise

There are plenty of things in life that want to knock us down. Bad circumstances, mean people, pain, and sorrow all gather around you looking for the chance for a knockout blow. The key is that even though you may be knocked down; don’t be knocked out. Get back up.


Are You Worried About America’s Future?

When your world is falling apart and a foreign country is threatening to conquer your country, it would be easy to live by fear. But Habakkuk shows us that there is another way; we can live by faith. His prophecy begins with an “Oh, no! Things are awful!” And he ends with “Oh, yeah! God is in control!”


Down But Not Out

You may be struggling and hurting right now because of all the personal pain you’re having to endure. You may be pressured, but you WON’T be crushed; you may be perplexed, but you WON’T be left in despair; you may be attacked and persecuted, but you WON’T be abandoned by God; you might even be knocked down, but you WON’T be knocked out!


Salvation Guaranteed!

It’s hard to live up to the promise “satisfaction guaranteed” because there are plenty of people whose theme song is the old Rolling Stones ballad, “I can’t get no satisfaction!” Some people will never be satisfied! The Bible teaches true satisfaction comes from having a relationship with God. And God guarantees we can have that. The term “salvation” covers more than just your original commitment to Christ. The Bible teaches we have been saved—that’s justification; we’re being saved—that’s sanctification; and we WILL be saved—that’s glorification. And God guarantees our salvation.


God’s Favorite Word is “YES!”

Sadly, many people conceive of God in the same negative terms. To them, God is a cosmic killjoy who watches from heaven just waiting to catch them doing something wrong. They imagine Him shaking His finger at people saying, “No! No! Bad person! Stop that right now!” But the God of the Bible isn’t trying to spoil your fun by constantly telling you, “No!” God loves you and He wants you to enjoy life to the fullest. I believe that God’s favorite word is, “Yes.”


Caleb: How to Thrive at Age 85!

Caleb had been promised a piece of property 45 years earlier. Since that promise, he spent 40 years wandering in the wilderness with a bunch of dissatisfied, unfaithful, whining people. Then under Joshua’s leadership, Caleb spent five years fighting as a soldier against the Canaanite kingdoms. Even after 45 years, he still held onto God’s promise. “I remember God’s promise to me; now give me this hill country!” He never let go of that promise–that’s what the Bible calls persistence.


God’s Precious Promises

God’s promises are certain, they are conditional, and they reveal His character. There are over 7,000 promises God has made to you in the Bible. How many of them have you claimed for yourself? God offered these precious promises to you, but they are worthless unless you claim them.


2000–Now What?

The Bible says that the common people heard Jesus gladly. They loved to be around Jesus. Jesus enjoyed being with people, and people enjoyed being with him. The only people Jesus didn’t get along with were those straight-laced religious hypocrites called the Pharisees and nobody can get along with those people. There are some of those obnoxious people around today. When you love God, you will receive His favor and the favor of others.
