God’s Goodness Tag

Come to the Light

Once we hear the truth about the good news of God’s forgiveness, it is like someone turning on a light in our soul. We’ve all seen the cartoons where a light bulb flashes on above a character’s head when they have an idea. That’s what happens when we receive the truth about Jesus. It’s like walking out of the darkness into the light. Suddenly, we can see everything clearly. Salvation occurs when Jesus moves us from the darkness into His glorious light.


Full of Grace and Truth

When Jesus appeared, God’s grace appeared. And in verse sixteen it says that we have received grace upon grace. That carries with it the idea that God’s grace keeps being poured out into our hearts.


Every Day Can Be a Good Day–Because God is Good!

Not only is God listening to what we say to others, His ear is attuned when we talk to Him. He always answers prayer. Sometimes people pray and don’t get the answer they want so they wonder, “Is God really listening to me?” He is always listening, but that doesn’t mean He will always grant your requests. I’ve said many times: When you ask for something and the request is not right, God answers: No. When you ask for something and you aren’t right, God answers: Grow! When you ask for something and the timing is not right, God answers: Slow. But when you ask for something and the request, the timing, and you are right, God answers: Go!


Why Do Good People Suffer?

This is a message about terrorists and falling towers. Everybody still talks about that day; it was a day of tragedy and injustice. People were going about their business when they were suddenly and brutally killed. And what about the tower that fell suddenly? Towers remind us of strength and security—and when a tower falls and people are killed, we feel a little less secure. The initial reaction was shock; then we began to ask the inevitable questions: Why were those innocent people killed? Why did the tower fall? Where was God during all of that? Most of you think I’m talking about 9/11, and everything I’ve said does apply, but I’m really talking about 13:1. Luke 13:1. 2,000 years ago, Jesus talked about some innocent people who died at the hands of what could be called terrorists—and He talked about a tower that fell and killed people. In fact, the similarities between 13:1 and 9/11 are amazing. The same questions people are asking today were being asked 2,000 years ago. But more importantly, the answer Jesus gives is the same answer we need to hear.


The OTHER Miraculous Birth

Maybe you think you’ve entered spiritual retirement and you’ve already done enough for God. Or perhaps you think you have already received the greatest blessings that you’ll ever enjoy—think again.
