Gabriel Tag

The OTHER Miraculous Birth

Maybe you think you’ve entered spiritual retirement and you’ve already done enough for God. Or perhaps you think you have already received the greatest blessings that you’ll ever enjoy—think again.


The 70 Sevens–God’s Countdown

Daniel’s prophecy in Daniel 9 is neither a vision nor a dream. There are no strange symbols of animals or statues. It is a direct message to the prophet from God, delivered by the angel Gabriel. This is the same angel that appeared to Joseph and to Mary, as recorded in the opening chapters of the New Testament. The angel Gabriel was sent to the prophet Daniel to give him a clear and undisguised look into the future in answer to a prayer of the prophet.


The Little Horn With the Big Mouth

This message should demonstrate to you the absolute reliability and infallibility of the Word of God. When we see things predicted in the Bible that have already come true, it gives us great assurance that those things yet to happen will also come true. An examination of Daniel’s prophetic dream and how it came true.


The Amazing Truth About Angels

An informative message separating the fantasy from the facts regarding angels and a comparison of five fantasies the world holds vs. the facts of God’s Word.
