Fellowship Tag

Abel and Enoch: Faith Forerunners

God didn’t primarily save us to serve Him. He has an innumerable company of angels to serve Him. He created us to have fellowship with Him. God doesn’t want you to think of Him as some impersonal force on the backside of the universe who doesn’t care about your life. He wants you to know Him intimately as a loving Father who cares about the details of your life. He wants you to walk with Him every day.


Celebrative Worship and Caring Groups

Worship should always be God-centered not person-centered. Our choir and praise team aren’t up here performing to you. They are leading all of us to sing songs of joy to an audience of One. Worship is primarily to express our love and adoration to God. But there is a side-effect of worship: It creates an atmosphere of joy.


Church: Where God Sets the Lonely in a Family

The church isn’t a club; it isn’t an institution; it isn’t an organization; it’s a family. Everybody needs a family. Whether you’re young, old, single or married, you need a family. Loneliness is the reason so many people are desperate.


The Group Gene: A Disciple Grows up Relationally

There’s more to the Christian life than just believing. It’s important for Christians to belong. The best way to build Christian relationships is to be a part of small group where someone will know your name and where you can enjoy fellowship and ministry.


Born (Again) Free

The legalism that exists today isn’t about keeping Jewish festivals as much as it is thinking that a Christian can earn God’s love and acceptance by what they do or don’t do. Legalism is the belief that if I can just keep all my spiritual plates spinning, then I can earn more of God’s favor.
