Commitment Tag

Keep God’s Temple in Good Shape!

In a 24-hour period your heart will beat more than 100,000 times. You have so many blood vessels that if they were all stretched out end-to-end they would wrap around the equator. Twice. So in an average day your blood travels 168,000 miles. You will move and use over 700 muscles, and generate 450 tons of energy. In an average day you will speak 4,800 words, if you are a man—slightly more for the ladies! Your body contains overs 10 trillion cells and each one is more complex and intricate than the New York City power grid. You really ARE fearfully and wonderfully made. To claim that you are a biological accident is about as likely as an explosion in a junkyard miraculously resulting in a perfect Boeing 747.


Connected Through Your Commitments

Have you ever heard the expression “prime the pump?” Back in the days when people used hand water pumps, you had to pour water into the pump to often get water flowing out of it. Think of your resources as the jug of water–and then think of God’s blessings as the cool, stream of gushing water.


Lifting High the Name of Jesus

Have you ever heard it said of someone that they “stand alone?” In greatness and glory, the name of Jesus does stand alone, higher in prominence, preeminence, and position than any other name. The name of Jesus stands alone in its prominence and position because His name includes everything we need for life.


What Do These Stones Mean?

When it was time for the Israelites to cross the Jordan River, it represented both the border to blessing and a barrier to blessing. Only when the priests stepped into the raging water did it stop. You have to trust God first and then He releases His power. The reason many people live on the wrong side of the river is they are waiting for God to stop the water before they step in and God is waiting for them to step right into the water. When they stepped into the water, the river stopped flowing–a miracle!


Have You Lost Jesus?

You may wonder, “How can I lose Jesus? I thought you believed in ‘once saved always saved.’” I’m not talking about losing your salvation. I’m talking about losing a sense of fellowship with Jesus. Throughout this ordeal, Mary and Joseph never lost their relationship with Jesus. It was intact. What they lost was His presence with them.


Wake Up and Get Dressed!

Sometimes people are so content, they just get into a spiritual rut, where nothing ever changes. A rut is nothing but a grave with both ends kicked out. God is trying to say to every one of us today, “Hey, wake up! The alarm has gone off.” I know that part of the problem is with us preachers. There is so much Sermonic Sominex dispensed in churches today, it lulls people to sleep. Today, God is trying to say to Green Acres Baptist Church, “Wake up from your apathy.”


Marriages Are Made In Heaven–But Maintained on Earth

I think the longer you’re married, the more you figure out you’re not going to completely figure it out. There is no such thing as a perfect marriage because you’ve got an imperfect husband and wife. There’s no way it can be perfect. Couples who think their marriage is going to be perfect have unrealistic expectations. Marriages are either healthy or they’re unhealthy.


Moses and Pharaoh

Moses resisted all the compromises of Pharaoh. He said, “No, we’re going to go! Not only are we GOING to go, we’re going to go all the WAY! Not only are we going to go all the way we’re going to take our FAMILIES with us. Not only are we going to take our family with us, we are taking all of our POSSESSIONS with us!” Where have you drawn the line? Do you say, “Well that’s as far as I’m going. I’m a Christian, but I’m not going to go all the way with Jesus. I’m just going to stand on this side and make sure I have my ticket to heaven.” or “I’m going to really get fired up, but I’m going to leave my family out of it!” If you have gone all the way and you say, “I’m going all the way with Jesus. I’m taking everybody I can with me and I’m taking everything I own, everything I possess, and it all is going to be offered to God. That’s what total commitment is all about.


Father Abraham Had Many Sins

I have discovered a lot of us start out getting fired up about Jesus and everything is going along fine for a while but we come to a place where we backslide and we get out of fellowship with God. That happened in the life of Abraham.
