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State of the Church 2007

Our organizational handbook is the Bible and in the book of Acts, the Apostle Paul and Barnabas gave the early Christians reports about what God was doing. That’s what I want to do, to report to you the great things God has been doing in our church. As I examine our church, I feel somewhat like a doctor who’s examining a healthy patient. Our church is very healthy. We aren’t perfect, but we are healthy.


The Rock and Our Role

In America today, it’s okay to be religious and to talk about God in vague terms. But if you start talking about the blood of Christ, or that Jesus is the only way to heaven—watch out, you are going to be in trouble. As I’ve predicted for years, we have arrived at a time where Bible-believing Christians are labeled as mental Neanderthals because we oppose such liberating ideas as same-sex marriages. But that’s the way it’s always been. One of the early Christians, named Stephen, had the audacity to stand up and say that Jesus was alive and standing at the right hand of God, and what did they do? They stoned him to death.


Connected Through Your Church

People in our culture are hungry to be connected. We are a generation of “screenagers” that spends hours in front of a computer screen or a video screen trying to connect with the people we see on television. The best place to make friends and build meaningful relationships in through the Church, the Body of Christ.


State of the Church Message 2000

Our purpose is to worship and adore God–exalt His greatness. We exist to take the good news of Jesus across the street and across the globe–evangelize God’s World. Our goal is to help you discover your spiritual gifts then lead you to minister in the name of Christ–equip God’s people. And we believe God has called us to demonstrate His love to a lost and wounded generation through good stewardship of our resources–express God’s love. But all of this is only possible through Jesus Christ our Lord (Boss, ruler, master, leader). So I challenge you to raise your understanding of the importance of the church and to heighten your appreciation for what God is doing and wants to do through this Body of believers.
