
Lifting High the Name of Jesus (2021)

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Lifting High the Name of Jesus (2021)

Lifting High the Name of Jesus (2021) – Philippians 2:5-11

Beware of Grace-Robbers (2021)

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Beware of Grace-Robbers (2021)

Beware of Grace-Robbers (2021) – Colossians 2:14-23

Heaven’s Activity Guide (2021)

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Heaven's Activity Guide (2021)

Heaven’s Activity Guide (2021) – Revelation 21-22

A New Leader for a New Challenge

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
A New Leader for a New Challenge

A New Leader for a New Challenge – Numbers 27:12-23

How to Be a Prosperous Christian

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
How to Be a Prosperous Christian

How to Be a Prosperous Christian – 3 John 1:1-14

God’s Precious Gift of Freedom

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
God's Precious Gift of Freedom

God’s Precious Gift of Freedom – Galatians 5:1

A Love Letter to a Special Lady

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
A Love Letter to a Special Lady

A Love Letter to a Special Lady – 2 John 1:1-13

Bull-dogmatic Truths

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Bull-dogmatic Truths

Bull-dogmatic Truths – 1 John 5:18-21

You Can Pray With Confidence

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
You Can Pray With Confidence

You Can Pray With Confidence – 1 John 5:14-15

Do You Have Blessed Assurance?

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Do You Have Blessed Assurance?

Do You Have Blessed Assurance? – 1 John 5:5-13

Birthmarks of a Believer

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Birthmarks of a Believer

Birthmarks of a Believer – 1 John 5:1-6

You Can Face Your Future Without Fear

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
You Can Face Your Future Without Fear

You Can Face Your Future Without Fear – 1 John 4:15-21

Anchor Points

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Anchor Points

Anchor Points – Acts 27

The Greatest Love of All

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
The Greatest Love of All

The Greatest Love of All – 1 John 4:7-16

How to Spot a False Prophet a Smile Away

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
How to Spot a False Prophet a Smile Away

How to Spot a False Prophet a Smile Away – 1 John 4:1-6

The Cure for a Condemning Heart

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
The Cure for a Condemning Heart

The Cure for a Condemning Heart – 1 John 3:18-24

Face to Face With the Risen Lord

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Face to Face With the Risen Lord

Face to Face With the Risen Lord – Revelation 1:12-19

A Matter of Love and Death

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
A Matter of Love and Death

A Matter of Love and Death – 1 John 3:10-18

God’s Solution for our Sin Problem

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
God's Solution for our Sin Problem

God’s Solution for our Sin Problem – 1 John 3:2-9

You Haven’t Seen Anything Yet

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
You Haven't Seen Anything Yet

You Haven’t See Anything Yet – 1 John 3:1-3

Are You Ready to Meet Jesus?

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Are You Ready to Meet Jesus?

Are You Ready to Meet Jesus? – 1 John 2:28-29

Watch Out For Drop-Outs

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Watch Out For Drop-Outs

Watch Out For Drop-Outs – 1 John 2:18-27

What in the World Is Worldliness?

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
What in the World Is Worldliness?

What in the World Is Worldliness? – 1 John 2:15-17

Do You Know That You Know Jesus?

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Do You Know That You Know Jesus?

Do You Know That You Know Jesus? – 1 John 2:3-11

What to Do With Your Sins

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
What to Do With Your Sins

What to Do With Your Sins – 1 John 1:8-2:2

Fellowship With God

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Fellowship With God

Fellowship With God – 1 John 1:5-7

Our Life in Christ

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Our Life in Christ

A real Christian knows Jesus is real.

Vision Sunday 2021 Theme: Love East Texas

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Vision Sunday 2021 Theme: Love East Texas

Alone, we’re not much, but with the unity of the Spirit and the passion to show God’s love, our message can transform an entire region for Christ.

Happy New You!

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Happy New You!

Do you get joy out of knowing what your purpose in life is?

What Have We Learned in 2020?

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
What Have We Learned in 2020?

Joy is based on the character and nature of Jesus who lives inside of you.

The First Star Trek

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
The First Star Trek

Once you’ve met Jesus, you’ll never go home the same way you came.

Believing: Life in His Name

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Believing: Life in His Name

John’s Gospel account is different from Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Each of those three writers follows a chronological time line of the ministry of Jesus. But John organizes his story around seven signs, seven miracles.

The Mission Strategy of Jesus

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
The Mission Strategy of Jesus

We must be careful that in our demonstration, in our acts of love, in our acts of service toward Christ that it would not be used to justify our silence to the nations.

Hope for ONE More Child

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Hope for ONE More Child

GABC Adoption Ministry

The Beauty of Restoration

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
The Beauty of Restoration

John wrote this Gospel as an old man and he addresses a rumor—yes they had rumors back then, too.

Sharing the Lord’s Breakfast

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Sharing the Lord's Breakfast

Failure is not final nor is it fatal for the follower of Jesus.

My Lord and My God!

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
My Lord and My God!

Thomas’s experience with the risen Jesus was personal.

Breath of Heaven

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Breath of Heaven

God doesn’t fill us for ENJOYMENT. He fills us for EMPLOYMENT. To share the good news with those who are lost.

A Tomb with a View

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
A Tomb with a View

Jesus had a tomb with a view. Not so that He could look out—but so that we could look in.

Love That Shares

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Love That Shares

The brokenness that you see around you is not a result of God’s good design; it is a result of sin.

Love That Serves

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Love That Serves

If you want to be an authentic follower of Jesus, don’t operate with angles or try to manipulate others.

Love That Sees

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Love That Sees

How do you love your neighbor well if you can’t even see your neighbor?

The Day Death was Buried

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
The Day Death was Buried

Jesus had two unlikely undertakers, Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus.

The Water and the Blood

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
The Water and the Blood

One of the greatest proofs of the authenticity of the Bible is fulfilled scripture.

The Word Heard Around the World

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
The Word Heard Around the World

Can you imagine living your whole life anticipating the most horrible death possible?

The Faces at Golgotha

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
The Faces at Golgotha

In His time of agony, and in the moment of Mary’s deepest pain, Jesus cared for her as only Jesus can.

The Danger of Mob Mentality

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
The Danger of Mob Mentality

Pilate thought he would never be associated with the death of Jesus.

A Cruel Crown on a Sacred Head

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
A Cruel Crown on a Sacred Head

The Messiah was beaten so severely that his appearance wasn’t that of a man.

Jesus is the Answer

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Jesus is the Answer

Jesus was the only innocent man Pilate would ever meet.

See You in Court

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
See You in Court

Christ was innocent. But he stayed because he knew the accusations he took belonged to us.

Moving from Denial to Restoration

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Moving from Denial to Restoration

Once we have made a mistake one of the hardest things to do is to come clean and admit it.

How to Keep Your Cool in a Crisis

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
How to Keep Your Cool in a Crisis

Actions build our reputation, but reactions reveal our character.

Lord, Heal Our Land

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Lord, Heal Our Land

For God to heal our land, we must discover and recover the faith of our Founding Fathers and acknowledge God as the source of liberty.

Three Requests Jesus Prayed for You

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Three Requests Jesus Prayed for You

The first thing we must understand about Christian unity is that it is an act of the Holy Spirit. We cannot create unity—we can only keep it or kill it.

What in the World am I Doing?

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
What in the World am I Doing?

If we want to be good soldiers for Christ then we can’t find satisfaction in the world.

The World’s MVP

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
The World's MVP

The thing that unites us is that we are all committed to accomplishing this purpose—to take the good news to those who have never heard.

Moving from Sorrow to Joy

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Moving from Sorrow to Joy

Be courageous!

The Holy Spirit’s Job Description

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
The Holy Spirit's Job Description

The devil would love for you to go to hell. But the Holy Spirit came to convince you that you don’t have to go if you don’t want to.

How to Treat Your Friends and Enemies

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
How to Treat Your Friends and Enemies

You will either be a friend of Jesus, or a friend of the world.

How to Enjoy the Joy Jesus Enjoyed

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
How to Enjoy the Joy Jesus Enjoyed

I have no idea what you’re walking through or are up against, but I know the man who does and his name is Jesus.

Our Vine Line to God

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Our Vine Line to God

You can’t produce the fruit of the Spirit unless you are firmly attached to Jesus.

The Promise of Peace

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
The Promise of Peace

When you’re in pain, searching for peace, the first thing to know is that God is there and He sees what you’re facing.

The Lord Living in Us

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
The Lord Living in Us

What are we to do until our room is ready in our forever dwelling place? Michael Gossett.

God’s Cure for Heart Trouble

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
God's Cure for Heart Trouble

In the midst of so much uncertainty there are some things you can be absolutely certain about: God loves you and Jesus died to give you eternal life.

How’s Your Heart?

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
How's Your Heart?

Jesus wants to give you a burning heart full of hope.

How to Love Like Jesus Loves

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
How to Love Like Jesus Loves

Part of our confusion about love is we are limited by our English language. We only have one word for love.

The Danger of Pride and Pretense

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
The Danger of Pride and Pretense

WHY did Jesus choose Judas?

Clean Feet in a Dirty World

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Clean Feet in a Dirty World

We ALL need the bath of salvation, because we aren’t naturally clean.

Facing Your Fears

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Facing Your Fears

There is nothing you and I face today that the power of God will not overrule.

The Only Sin God Won’t Forgive

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
The Only Sin God Won't Forgive

In Jesus’ last appearance to the public in Jerusalem, they witnessed his miracles, yet they still did not believe. Michael Gossett.

The Magnetism of the Cross

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
The Magnetism of the Cross

The cross is like a magnet, because just as objects respond differently to a magnet, people respond to the cross in different ways as well.

Upside Down

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Upside Down

Love your personal enemies with your actions, your speech and your heart. Michael Gossett

Are You Just Living to Die or Dying to Live?

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Are You Just Living to Die or Dying to Live?

What is your life really about, you or God?

The Day Jesus Reigned on Their Parade

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
The Day Jesus Reigned on Their Parade

Prayer can be empty praise if you are merely repeating the words without meaning.

Getting in on God’s Economy in 2020

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Getting in on God's Economy in 2020

The 2020 Giving Challenge: Honor God and be blessed.

The Fragrance of Pure Worship

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
The Fragrance of Pure Worship

How Mary’s act of anointing Jesus’ feet with expensive perfume is an example of pure worship. Michael Gossett.

Who’s in Control Here?

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Who's in Control Here?

God has the power to speak through someone like the High Priest, Caiaphas, without Caiaphas even realizing what was happening.

The Lazarus Lesson

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
The Lazarus Lesson

A carnal Christian someone who is still in bondage of the past, like Lazarus before his graveclothes were removed.

Jesus Turns Setbacks into Comebacks

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Jesus Turns Setbacks into Comebacks

What Jesus meant when He said, “I am the Resurrection and the Life.”

Glory in a Manger

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Glory in a Manger

How God revealed his character, kingdom and eternal hope in the manger.

God’s Delays Are Not God’s Denials

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
God's Delays Are Not God's Denials

With God, timing is more important than time. Three reasons why God sometimes delays the answer to your prayers.

The Transforming Truth About Jesus

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
The Transforming Truth About Jesus

We are by nature children of wrath. That means that our default response to God is to reject His love.

To Seek & To Save

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
To Seek & To Save

Al Fadi of Cira International

Keeping the MAIN Thing the MAIN Thing

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Keeping the MAIN Thing the MAIN Thing

The Great Commission

The Surprising Way to Change the World

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
The Surprising Way to Change the World

Dr. Jim Denison

Once His Lamb, ALWAYS His Lamb

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Once His Lamb, ALWAYS His Lamb

The security of our salvation isn’t up to us holding on to God. He’s holding on to us.

What’s So Good About the Good Shepherd?

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
What's So Good About the Good Shepherd?

The most glorious fact in the universe is that there is a God and that this God wants to have a personal relationship with you. Eternal life is not living forever. Eternal life is KNOWING God.

Jesus is the Only Gate to Heaven

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Jesus is the Only Gate to Heaven

A community sheep pen is a powerful analogy of how we all live in a dirty, smelly world that is littered with the filth of immorality and violence. Our Shepherd Jesus calls us out to live a different kind of life.

The Tragedy of Spiritual Blindness

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
The Tragedy of Spiritual Blindness

Jesus is nauseated by indifferent, complacent, apathetic Christians.

The Blind Man’s Bluff

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
The Blind Man's Bluff

When you live under grace and refuse to obey man-made regulations, prepare to be criticized. They criticized Jesus and they will criticize you.

The Night is Coming…

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
The Night is Coming...

When it comes to salvation, hesitation can lead to procrastination, which can lead to eternal devastation.

Here’s Mud in Your Eye

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Here's Mud in Your Eye

Jesus said we are wrong when we try to find a cause and effect reason for every person who has a disability or is suffering.

Death Removed

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Death Removed

GABC Teaching Pastor, Michael Gossett

Like Father, Like Son

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Like Father, Like Son

Satan is an expert at lying, with centuries of experience.

The Truth Will Set You Free; Or It Will Make You Mad

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
The Truth Will Set You Free; Or It Will Make You Mad

The rejection of absolute truth is destroying our moral foundation.

Kindness: Love in Action

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Kindness: Love in Action

Why should we show kindness to others? Because it is the command of God and shows the character of God.

Jesus: The Light of the World

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Jesus: The Light of the World

Light and life are connected. Where there is light there is life.

Where Misery and Mercy Meet

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Where Misery and Mercy Meet

Do you have some rocks you need to drop today?

Strength in the Storm

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Strength in the Storm

GABC Teaching Pastor, Michael Gossett

Jesus: The Great Divider

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Jesus: The Great Divider

Jesus created division 2,000 years ago. And He has the same effect on people in the 21st Century. He still divides.

Celebrate Freedom Sunday

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Celebrate Freedom Sunday

Guest speaker Tim Lee

Longing for More

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Longing for More

Michael Gossett

The Secret of an Overflowing Life

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
The Secret of an Overflowing Life

One of the ways we can be a blessing to others is by what we say to them.


Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast

Guest speaker Andrew Francis, GABC Mosaic Singles Director

The Power of God

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
The Power of God

Guest Speaker Pastor Michael Gossett

When Jesus was in a Feast Fight

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
When Jesus was in a Feast Fight

We are so quick to judge on appearance alone. And most of the time we are wrong.

How to Handle Disappointments and Disagreements

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
How to Handle Disappointments and Disagreements

As God conforms us to be like Jesus, He often uses painful experiences to accomplish His plan. So don’t fight against disappointments and disagreements, just let your light shine for Jesus.

The Danger of Defective Discipleship

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
The Danger of Defective Discipleship

Judas followed Jesus. He saw the miracles of Jesus, but He never believed. His heart was never changed.

The Fullness of Empty

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
The Fullness of Empty

Usually when something is empty, it means there is a problem.

The Wonder of Salvation

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
The Wonder of Salvation

Does God choose us or do we choose Him? The answer is, “Yes.” Those who are chosen, choose God. He chooses us before we choose Him.

The Great I AM: The Bread of Life

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
The Great I AM: The Bread of Life

Stop feeding on the junk food of the world and put yourself on a steady diet of the Bread of Life.

When Jesus Walks into Your Fears

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
When Jesus Walks into Your Fears

Jesus hasn’t promised smooth sailing; but He has promised a sure destination.

All You Can Eat…and MORE

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
All You Can Eat...and MORE

When you face a shortage, how do you react?

Open My Eyes Lord!

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Open My Eyes Lord!

Guest speaker Lanny Bridges

Moses Knew About Jesus!

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Moses Knew About Jesus!

Jesus performed the miracles so we would believe and when we believe, we would experience life.

Discover the JOY of Generosity

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Discover the JOY of Generosity

It’s GOOD to Know the Judge

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
It's GOOD to Know the Judge

We don’t serve the Lord to receive any reward. Our motivation for service is our love for the Lord.

Who is Equal to God?

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Who is Equal to God?

Jesus revealed how He lived His life in the flesh in relation to His Father.

Do You WANT to Get Well?

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Do You WANT to Get Well?

As a follower of Jesus, you’ll never accomplish the impossible until you attempt the impossible.

Believing IS Seeing

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
Believing IS Seeing

We are by nature, skeptical people and our fallen nature wants to find something tangible so we can say, “Seeing is believing.”

A Dream of Fields

Sunday Podcast
Sunday Podcast
A Dream of Fields

One of the most important things we can do is to share our faith story with others.