Get Good and M.A.D. for Christ’s Sake

1Without getting into a debate about WHY we do good, let’s start with the premise that God is good and He has commanded us to perform good works for Jesus’ sake. Before you and I were even born, God prepared for us some acts of kindness that we can perform for Jesus’ sake. So start looking for someone–it might even be a stranger–who needs a cup of cold water.

Get Good and M.A.D. for the Children’s Sake

2Adoption or foster care is one the best ways to make a difference in a child’s life. I want to encourage you to open your eyes, open your heart, and open your arms to make a difference in an orphan’s life.

Hope for the Hopeless

3Guest speaker Rev. Jerome R. Milton

Get Good and M.A.D. for Your Country’s Sake

4Now more than ever, the voice of Christians must be heard in our nation. The Bible instructs us to be model citizens and you CAN make a difference in our country as you pray for our leaders, play by the rules, and participate in the process.