1Where are you on the map of salvation? Are you in Egypt? Then you need Jesus to bring you out of spiritual bondage. Are you a new Christian in the wilderness? Then you need to learn God’s Word and keep on growing. Are you someone who has been a Believer for many years, but you’re still wandering the wilderness? Then ou need to make the leap of faith into the Promised Land.
2God can transform anyone who puts their trust in Him. Rahab is the perfect example of someone who experienced a life-changing encounter with God. Rahab is a great model to us of the power of faith. Five characteristics of saving faith Rahab possessed. If you want to be transformed by God, you must have this kind of faith as well.
3The story of Joshua’s leadership into the Promised Land is much more than just an historical account of military conquest. It is a powerful metaphor of how each of us can cross the Jordan River and enter into a new level of Christian living: It’s making the leap from good to great. And examination of salvation from two different perspectives.
4A spiritual stronghold is an outpost that the enemy has built in your mind. Your life is occupied territory; it belongs to Jesus. But the enemy, Satan, is always on the attack. If you have a weakness, he will try to exploit it. He will try to build a fortress, a stronghold and use it as his base of operations to thwart your spiritual growth.
5The story of Achan is a message about how sin can destroy your life. Achan represents a person who has crossed over the Jordan River and entered God’s Promised Land, and still stumbled and fell into sin. If you aren’t careful, you may find yourself thinking you are beyond the reach of sin. That’s a dangerous place to be. Three truths about sin each of us needs to know.