A Man After God's Own Heart

David: The Kind of Person God Uses

1It had to be tough on David knowing he was anointed the next king and here was Saul, whom the spirit of God had left. Here was a holy man in the presence of an unholy person, yet he submitted to him and the Bible says he served Saul. God was trying to prepare David. David was out in the field taking care of the sheep and wild beasts came. By killing those wild beasts he knew that when a giant of a beast stood before him he could do it. But he also had to deal with another beast, a human beast named Saul. Throughout his life David was going to have to deal with difficult people sometimes in his own family. God was preparing him for that.

How to Kill Those Pesky Giants

2When David heard Goliath’s threat, he knew the enemy was there before him and he said, “We have to do something about this!” Before you ever succeed in battle you have to identify who your giant is. Your giant may be your temper. It may be lust; it may be a financial problem; it may be some personal problem you have. Before you can ever conquer your giant, you have to identify your giant.

A Tale of Three Kings

3Each of us has three kings fighting for control (there are probably a lot more). In each of us, there is a King Saul, a spirit of jealousy, a spirit of envy, a spirit of anger that becomes so blinded that this is a true “rage-a-holic.” Thank God, I think in each one of us there is the potential for a King David, a spirit of submission. It is the spirit of Christ of submitting to God’s given authority. I also think in each one of us there is a “king-to-be” Absalom and he is the spirit of rebellion, the spirit of selfish ambition. Be careful, because those three kings are usually fighting for control of your life.

When a King Shows Grace to a Crippled Man

4Did you know the story of David and Mephibosheth is also a story about Jesus and us? David was a king who showed kindness and grace to a crippled man and Jesus is the king who shows grace and kindness to all of us who are spiritually crippled.

If Looks Could Kill

5Isn’t it interesting how God can take a mess and turn it into a message? That’s the business God is in. Look at our lives! God is in the business of taking mistakes and using us for his glory!